
Hello there, world!

Sometime in 2020, when the Covid 19 Pandemic was in full swing, I had a dear friend, Brooks, come to me and tell me that I needed to start a food blog. This was said because like most others in the world, who were faced with empty shelves at the grocery store, I was having to create something out of nothing for my kiddo and I. 

I already had the patio garden started with fresh vegetables and herbs, (I have a black thumb, so this was a major triumph for me) and I had a Pinterest board full of various recipes that I would stumble through for fun. When finished I would take glamor shots of my food and post it all over the internet for my friends to ‘oooh’ and ‘ahhh’ over.

Unfortunately, at that point in my life, I had convinced myself that no one wanted to read what I had to say or see my amateur food pictures. Naturally…I brushed him off. Like so many others, over the course of the Pandemic, I really let myself go. My weight gain was drastic and I was embarrassed to go out in public which led to my decline in mental health also. 2021 was a rough year.

Flash forward to 2022, Brooks (who is now my boyfriend) had once again brought up writing a blog, because with his help, I finally settled into a groove where I put my health first. I have spent the last nine months of my life completely transforming my life for the better, which includes the food I cook and eat, along with the way I treat my body. I had been making minor posts on social media about my progress, but it wasn’t until recently that people began asking me for the secrets to my success…so here I am, making one singular place for all my recipes, wellness tips and innermost secrets.

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